Friday, May 15, 2009

Skidmore College Class of 2009

Well...this is it. The Class of 2009 graduate tomorrow at SPAC. Things start at 11AM and will probably end around 2ish (I'm guessing). The Skidmore Shop will be open on Commencement Day from 2PM to 6PM for all of your Skidmore College goods. Don't forget those coupons we packed into your cap and gowns.

The Skidmore Shop would like to take this moment to congratulate the Class of 2009. You are all wonderful people and we will miss you. Well...most of you. No no no..kidding..of course we'll miss all of you. You've made our time at Skidmore a lot of fun and memorable.

Now, I told myself I wouldn't I will do my best.

I would like to also take this time to give a special thanks to our graduating Skidmore Shop student employees (past and present).

Jon Schlossberg
Samantha Holtgrewe
Ali Toglia
Anna Tanimoto

Someone hire these people!!..they need jobs!! They are lovely people and really hard workers.

Good luck out there Class of 2009. Thank you for everything and stay in touch.

Great. Now I'm crying. See...are you happy now?

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