Tuesday, December 23, 2008

....and to all a good night!

Thank you for your support, we look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Happy Holidays everyone!

Monday, December 15, 2008

textbook buyback

If you missed textbook buy back at the d-hall last night. Do not fret. You have two more opportunities at the d-hall. You can stop in Tuesday December 16 from 5PM to 8PM or you can try on Wednesday December 17. Same time.

Of course you can always stop in Monday - Thursday at the college bookstore from 9:15AM to 4:30PM or on Friday from 9:15AM - 3:30PM. So many chances sell your books.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Waffles and money

Textbook buy back at the Dining Hall tonight....during Wafflefest! Or whatever it is the d-hall folks are calling it these days. Either way, bring your textbooks to the d-hall and we'll give you some sweet cold hard cash.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let it snow!

Anyone remember this day back in February last year? Took me forever to dig my car out. My car is in the middle...I think. I woke up this morning hoping to see the same thing thinking I'd get to stay home from work and catch up on episodes of The Office and maybe sneak in a little Price Is Right. Which by the way hasn't been as good since Bob Barker left. Sadly I didn't get to stay home. Which means I'm here at work. Which means we're open for business!! So stop in and say hi. Or if you need an ice scraper. Or both.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

MacBook Winners!!

Thanks to everyone who entered our MacBook raffle. Sadly only one can win...in this case it was one family.

Congratulations goes out to our lucky MacBook winners.

A special thanks goes out to our good friends at Apple Computers, Jostens and Dining Services for making our Holiday sale a huge success. An even bigger thanks goes out to all of you for being great customers.

More American Express gift cards

The final two winners of our American Express $25.00 gift card raffle are Jeannie Eddy and Ginny Calderon. Thanks to everyone who entered. Seriously. We mean that.

American Express winner updates

We just picked our next two winners for the American Express $25.00 gift cards. The two lucky peeps are Gabe Weintraub and Ann Marie Przywara. Guess who's buying pizza tonight.

Let the winning begin

As promised we are having a sale at The Skidmore Shop. People are spinning the Wheel of Discount and getting some sweet deals. Part of todays festivities includes a raffle for a $25.00 American Express card. Two winners at noon, 2 and 4. Well we just drew our first gift card winners...

Congratulations goes out to Ryan Ballantine and Lyle Reed. Enjoy that extra $25 bucks. The economy thanks you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Skidmore Shop Holiday Sale

Okay, so the cats out of the bag. The Skidmore Shop is giving away a 2.4GHz/250GB HD/2GB Memory MacBook to one lucky winner on Wednesday December 10. The drawing will be held in the Spa at 5:00PM and you must be present to win. You can't send a proxy. Sorry. Dem da rulez.

We also have other great things going on in the store that we need to talk about other than winning a MacBook. I mean winning a MacBook is cool and all, but we're only giving away one and we have to take care of everyone else who doesn't win the MacBook. Alright, for all you potential non-MacBook winners, tomorrow is our big annual Skidmore Shop Holiday Sale. You can come in and spin the Wheel of Discount for a chance to get up to 50% off of your purchase. We've got some freebees to throw out at you and we're giving away $25.00 AmEx cards at Noon, 2PM and 4PM. So in a way..everyone is a winner. But let's be honest, one person is gonna be freaking psyched they won a MacBook...and that person could you.

We've got a great selection of holiday books for you to browse through as well as buy one get one free sweatshirts. If you are still looking for that perfect holiday gift, now is the time. We've got plenty of great gift ideas in the store.

We also have the limited edition Skidmore Peppermint Pigs in stock. Hurry because they are almost gone.

The Skidmore Shop will be open from 10AM to 6PM tomorrow.

P.S. wearing your ugly holiday sweater in the store sure would make things cheery tomorrow. Just sayin.

Monday, December 8, 2008

This could be you.....

Look at how happy that guy looks. Now image it's you hugging that box. Just come to The Skidmore Shop on December 10th for all the details. Oh..and that's just a part of what's happening that day.

While you're here you can drop off a toy for the Toys For Tots program or a box of mashed potatoes for Skidmore Cares.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Free MacBook

That's right, we're giving away a MacBook Black just in time for the holidays! Won't that look good sticking out of your stocking? Drawing to be held at the world famous Skidmore Shop annual holiday sale and celebration.

Mark your calendar, December 10; you've got to be there to win.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bring us your potatoes!

Hey, remember when Richard Dryfuss made a sculpture of Devils Tower National Monument out of mashed potatoes in Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Well...now's your chance to help out an area family so they can do the same thing over the holidays. Beginning Monday November 24th The Skidmore Shop will be collecting boxed mashed potatoes for the Skidmore Cares program. The collection box will be located at the front of the store. Bring us as many boxes as you'd like. We'll take them!!

Isn't philanthropy cool?

P.S. We'll also take scalloped potatoes. Just stack em from large to small starting from the bottom to make Devils Tower.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Something BIG this way comes.

We have a holiday celebration headed your way like no other you’ve seen at Skidmore. Mark December 10 on your calendar, you’re not going to want to miss this one!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Whats happening on December 10th?

Pssst...you, yeah you. Come here. Something really big is going down at The Skidmore Shop on December 10th. Mark it on your calendar because this is huge. I mean huge. Okay..gotta go, but I'll be back with more info.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Biggest Winner in the History of Skidmore

That may be a gross exaggeration, but we do have a winner! The Skidmore Shop's Halloween candy-jar-guessing-game-o-rama (not the official title, but it does have a ring to it) is over, and it was a close one! The official count was 448 pieces of candy, and the closest you seasoned professional estimators came was 437. Incidentally, two of you guessed that number, but only one of you claimed the title of Best Quantity Guesser in category of Seasonal Confections. And, I'm sure you all saw this coming, Katherine Garcia is our winner! Way to go, Katherine! I was betting on you all along. Now Bob Carlton owes me nachos.

Everybody have a happy and safe Halloween from your friends at the Skidmore Shop!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween stories and spiders at The Skidmore Shop

The Greenberg Childcare kids stopped in at The Skidmore Shop to hear Samantha and Shawn tell a scary Halloween story and make pipe cleaner spiders. Possibly the best pipe cleaner spiders I've ever seen.

Monday, October 27, 2008

All of this could be yours!

It's raffle time at the Skidmore Shop, which is perfect for those of you freaking out because you don't know what to put under your best friend's Halloween tree. From now (presuming "now" is before Halloween) until 3:30pm on October 31, 2008, the Skidmore Shop will holding a contest for your guessing pleasure at the cash register. You will see a pumpkin-shaped jar full of the stuff dentists love and it's your job to guess just how many items that jar contains. The winner receives not only that jar of sugary goodness, but a TWENTY DOLLAR GIFT COUPON towards any of our trade books. The trade books are the ones that aren't text books. You know, the stuff you want to read. You can't win unless you enter, so get to gettin'!

Even if you don't win, now is the perfect time to pick up a groovy ghoul or a funky Frankenstein (see what I did there? Alliteration!) to jazz up your dorm room or give to your trick-or-treating partner. All Halloween gift items are 25% off! This excludes items that are already on clearance, candy, and books. We're all fighting over the fluffy green dude hanging out by the MYSTERY CANDY JAR so you'd better act fast! He is cool.

halloween Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stay sweet, Skidmore.

Most students, staff, and faculty at Skidmore have taken note of The Skidmore Shop's candy selection. Whether your searching for a post-class pick-me-up or just need a breath freshener after a basket of hot wings at the Spa, we do our best to keep you covered. But let's say, for instance, you go looking for Chocolate Necco Wafers. Something inside you is screaming "Give me a chalky chocolate disc! Give me mysterious white powder on my fingers!" You wish you could stay on campus and still find confectionary satisfaction. Well, there's hope.

Did you know that the kinds of candy we stock are completely controlled by you? Trust me, while there are some of us at the Shop who could easily scarf down a box of Good 'n Plenty, there are also those of us who are bewildered by black licorice and don't understand the merits of a salty, almost numbing candy. We have it because you want it. So next time you feel dissatisfied with what we're offering you, speak up. Granted, just because you want Garfield's Choco-Bites doesn't mean we'll get them, but you won't know until you ask! I was going to use the idiom about the squeaky wheel and the grease, but something about greasy wheels kills my appetite.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Your precious ginger ale is here

So we were lurking around the internet recently and came across a message board that mentioned that the good people of Skidmore College wanted ginger ale. Well we at The Skidmore Shop have responded and we now have ginger ale. We even got the good stuff. Schweppes. Yeah, we ain't messing around over here. Okay..maybe just a little.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

ZeBags at The Skidmore Shop

Hey folks. Just wanted to let all of you know that we have a great vendor coming to Skidmore tomorrow. ZeBags will be here selling their wonderful selection of Kenya bags. Lots of colors offered! They can take cash, credit cards and your Skidmore ID for payment.

Learn more about them at www.zebags.com

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Forrest is back!!

Stop into the Skidmore Shop today and say hi to our good pal Forrest. He's a wonderful dog and loves getting his belly rubbed.

You'll also get an extra 15% off of all clearance rack items.

iPods are not included on this deal. Sorry.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Free iPod deal

Today is the day. Your opportunity to get a free iPod ends at 5PM at The Skidmore Shop. Buy any MacBook, MacBook Pro or iMac and get a free (after mail-in rebate)3rd Gen 8G iPod Nano or 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch.

Buy a black MacBook and you'll also get a free Epson Stylus printer...this is while supplies last....and well...the supplies are almost gone. So hurry.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Out with the old and in the new!

In case you've been living under a rock these last couple of days you may have heard that Apple has re-designed their iPod line. The Skidmore Shop is sitting on some old stock and we're offering a great deal to help get them out of here. You can save $50.00 or more, depending on which iPod you purchase. Stop in and take advantage of this great deal while supplies last.

1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch was $299.00, is now $209.00 - SAVE $90.00
1st Gen 16GB iPod Touch was $399.00, is now $279.00 - -SAVE $120.00

1st Gen 80GB iPod Classic was $249.00, is now $199.00 - SAVE $50.00
1st Gen 160GB iPod Classic was $349.00, is now $299.00 - SAVE $50.00

3rd Gen 4GB iPod Nano was $149.00, is now $129.00 - SAVE $50.00
3rd Gen 8GB iPod Nano was $199.00, is now $149.00 - SAVE $50.00

Monday, September 1, 2008

Online textbook buyer vs college bookstore buyer

So I was ummm......"researching" some information online when I stumbled across these YouTube videos about buying your textbooks online vs buying from the college bookstore. They're fun to watch and informative.  They were created by some students over at the University of Missouri. You can find the rest of the series on YouTube and searching "I don't hate the bookstore" or you can click here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Today is the last day to pre-order your textbooks!

Hurry! Today is the last day to pre-order your textbooks. You have until midnight tonight! Click here to order.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Yes. Those are boxes of pre-ordered textbooks piled high in front of my desk and blocking my view to the outside world. Must be close the first day of the Fall Semester.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Buy your textbooks now!!

It's still summer....we know...but you might want to start thinking about your textbooks for the upcoming fall semester. You can order your textbooks now on our website by clicking here.

If you've never ordered online, it's simple. Just go the website, register as a new user, choose the books for the classes you are taking and then choose the type of payment you'd like to use. The books will be here at the bookstore when you arrive on campus. Please remember to bring your order number and Skidmore ID (or any form of picture ID) when picking up your books. If you have multiple orders, please remember to bring all of your order numbers. All textbook orders are always held here at The Skidmore Shop for pick up.

If you are an incoming freshmen here at Skidmore, you won't receive your Skidmore ID until you arrive on campus. So please remember to get your ID first before coming to the Skidmore Shop to pick up your books.

If you have any other questions regarding textbooks, please feel free to contact us at 518-580-5490 or drop us an email at bookstore@skidmore.edu.

Now go enjoy the rest of your summer and we'll see you all of you in a few weeks...or less.

Friday, July 18, 2008

We'll be open on Sunday July 20th!

The Skidmore Shop will be open on Sunday July 20th from 11AM to 3PM for CTY session 2.  I'm just saying.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Some exciting textbook buyback news!

Hey...remember having to wait in long lines to sell back your old textbooks? Yeah...just like the lines in the photo above. Well what if we told you that you don't have to wait in line anymore. Sounds good, right? Okay..so the photo isn't an actual line from one of our textbook buybacks...but hey...it could happen.

Well...it could!

The Skidmore Shop has partnered with MBS textbook exchange, the nations largest textbook wholesaler, so you can sell back your textbooks online instead of having to wait in those pesky lines. Yes, three easy steps is all it takes to get some quick cash for your old textbooks. Check it out...click here for details. It's a pretty sweet deal..hey, we'll even pay for the shipping.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Impossible to believe that half the summer break has come and gone! Now is the time to start you web order on The Skidmore Shop site for your textbooks. Take a break from the summer jobs, the sun tanning and the summer studies to plan ahead. Order early to get used books where available. We will also be having random drawings for prizes for those that order online with us.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer Writers Institute 2008

The 2008 Summer Writers Institute begins on Monday June 30 at Skidmore College. Many many authors will be here to read from their latest books..and these events are free! Rick Moody, Margot Livesey, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Pinksy and Henri Cole, just to name a few, will all be a part of this years institute. The Skidmore Shop will be carrying many titles from these authors with most of them being 20% off. Stop in and see us to browse our titles.

For more information on the 2008 Summer Writers Institute, click here.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lots and lots of Summer programs

You'd think it'd be slow around here in the summer. Nope. We're actually very busy at The Skidmore Shop with all of the upcoming summer programs on campus as well as prepping for the upcoming fall semester. Don't worry though...we've been managing to take some time to enjoy the summer sun when we can.

We just wanted to take a quick moment to tell all of the summer programs students that we look forward to seeing you and making your time here at Skidmore enjoyable. Come see us when you are on campus. We're located on the first floor of Case College Center.

Okay...see all of you soon and be sure to use plenty of sunblock.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Now is the time to buy an Apple computer from The Skidmore Shop!

Apple has just announced an incredible deal for all college students. Buy any Mac computer and you have a choice of an 8GB iPod nano or an 8GB iPod touch. Yes..you have a choice!! You can find details on our website by clicking the banner up at the top.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Some of the sights at the 2008 Commmencement ceremony

Just to give you an idea of what kind of day it was for the 2008 Commencement Ceremony. This is what it looked like from my spot on the lawn.

Pretty nice..right?

Enjoy the rest of the photos!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Class of 2008

The Skidmore Shop staff just wants to say congratulations to the Class of 2008.  I'll be posting some photos from commencement in a day or two.  So check back.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cap and Gown day

What a great day! It was great seeing all of you come in to pick up your cap and gowns. Everyone was so festive and all of you were incredibly patient with the lines. The entire Skidmore Shop staff had a great time today and we'd like to thank all of you, not only for today..but for the last 4 years.

We'd also like to take this moment to announce the winner of the diploma frame raffle. Congratulations goes out to Olivia Baccash for being our lucky winner.

Monday, May 12, 2008

caps, gown, lunch, clothing and gifts sale, bus, cruise..WOW!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 13, cap and gown distribution day at The Skidmore Shop. Just to prove we know how special you are, here’s what we have planned:

Regalia Distribution – The Shop, 11:00am – 5:30pm.

Picnic Lunch – Brought to you by our friends in Dining Services and Jostens. We have a nice lunch planned for you, weather permitting on Porter Plaza, 11:30am – 1:00 pm. Stop by, grab a bite, pick up your cap and gown, buy a sweatshirt, jump on the bus for the cruise. Life is good.

Senior SUPER Sale – 40% off clothing and gifts at The Shop, use the coupon in your regalia package. 40% off at The Skidmore Shop….never heard of such a thing! One time, one day only….grab it now.

A Free Diploma Frame – Well….not for everyone….but someone will win a free frame valued at over a hundred bucks tomorrow. Enter at the cash register. Sure your diploma will look good taped to the wall but here’s your chance to really trick it out!

And last, but certainly not least, because we know how hard mom and dad worked to get you here (and keep you here!) we’re giving them 15% off on their purchases on Friday, it’s our way of saying thanks to them as well.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Get some help with your fall textbooks

The school year is finally over but it's not too early to start thinking about textbooks for the upcoming fall semester.  Yeah yeah..sorry..I know..let's have a summer vacation first.  But it really isn't too early to start thinking about how you might plan on buying your textbooks next semester.  Here's something that might help with your plan.  How about free money?  Yep.  We're giving you a chance to win a gift card at The Skidmore Shop that you can put towards your textbook purchase.  It's easy.  Just click here and fill out the survey.  It'll only take you a few minutes to do.  Hey..you never know.  

Okay..now let's start thinking about that summer vacation.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Apple Computer discount

Hey Skidmore seniors. We just wanted to remind you that this is your last chance to take advantage of the Apple Computer student discount. After all..you're still a student until May 17th. You can save up to a couple of hundred bucks on a brand new Apple computer if you purchase one now. Stop into the Skidmore Shop and check out the new Apple iMac as well as the the MacBook lineup. We even have the MacBook Air in stock at the Skidmore Shop. Buy one today because after May 17th, 2008 you'll have to pay the regular price....and that would be sad.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Get some cash for your textbooks!!

You can sell back your textbooks at the Murray Dining Hall on the following dates and times...
Sunday May 4th from 8PM to 11PM
Tuesday May 6th from 5PM to 8PM
Wednesday May 7th from 5PM to 8PM

Mucho importante!!!
Bring your Skidmore ID. It is required to sell back your textbooks.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Textbook buy back info.

I know it's a little early to be thinking about textbook buy back, but we wanted to give all of you a little bit of advance notice. Just bring your textbooks on any of the days listed and walk away with some cash.

May 2 - 9:15 to 4:30 - Location: At The Skidmore Shop

May 3 - 12:00 to 3:00 - Location: At The Skidmore Shop

May 6 through May 9 - 9:15 to 4:30 Location: At The Skidmore Shop

May 10 - 10:30 to 1:30 Location: At The Skidmore Shop

May 13 - 9:15 to 4:30 Location: At The Skidmore Shop

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Important Cap and Gown information

Graduation is right around the corner....May 17 to be exact!! Have you ordered your cap and gown yet? If not..then what's stopping you? This year we've made it incredibly easy for you to get your cap and gown. You can either order online or you can come by The Skidmore Shop on Thursday April 3rd from Noon to 4PM and talk to the Josten's rep. They'll be here to help you with the process or any questions you may have.

If you'd rather do it on your own time, just click here and follow the easy instructions.

Here's the catch....you have until Friday April 4th to order your cap and gown. Yes...THIS UPCOMING FRIDAY!! So hurry!

FOLLOW UP 4/7/08
Cap and Gowns can be picked up at The Skidmore Shop on May 13th. We will be sending out an email to the senior class reminding all of you as we get closer to the event.

Skidmore Lacrosse!

The women and men Skidmore Lacrosse teams have started their 2008 season and they are looking for some hardcore fans to fill the stands. Better yet, pick up a replica of the Skidmore Lacrosse jersey at The Skidmore Shop and make some serious noise in the stands. Show off some T-Bred pride folks.

Click here to purchase a jersey.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We're back.....

and so are you! We hope you had a great break and enjoyed your time away wherever your travels took you.

The first order of business pertains to all of you seniors. YOU NEED TO ORDER YOUR CAPS AND GOWNS! At the risk of being redundant, YOU NEED TO ORDER YOUR CAPS AND GOWNS! Here's the link http://bookstore.skidmore.edu/home.aspx click on Commencement 2008. Jostens reps will be on campus Thursday, March 20, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, to answer questions about regalia, rings, announcements, etc. The only way to order is on-line (we have made it really painless for you) but you need to get that taken care of.

New stuff is arriving daily. Spring fashions are here and if you haven't stopped by in a while, please drop in and take a look at all the great new warm weather garb we have. It will get warm soon....won't it?

Check out our web site(s), new stuff, special discounts, maybe even a surprise or two.

Friday, March 7, 2008

See you in a week!

Hi folks, I just wanted to wish all of our students a safe and fun spring break. We'll see you back on campus on March 17th.

Don't forget. We have our annual art sale on the 17th and 18th. 30% off most art supplies...and 50% off select brushes!

-Skidmore Shop staff

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring break!

Just wanted to remind everyone that The Skidmore Shop will be closed during Spring Break. So if you'd like to order something. Please get your order in before 2PM on Friday March 7th. Any orders placed after 2PM will not ship out until Monday March 17th.

If you are traveling for spring break. Drive safe and have fun!

Thank You Thursday!

Hey folks, just wanted to remind you that today is Thank You Thursday. Stop into the Skidmore Shop and get 15% off most merchandise in the store. Maybe it's time you stop in and pick up that Thoroughbreds sweatshirt.

Like most promotions ....there are some exclusions. Sorry.

Excludes textbooks, magazines, net items, special orders, iPods, candy, health and beauty/drug items or already discounted merchandise.

Monday, February 25, 2008

March into Spring!!

Hey Skidmore. There's a lot of great things coming up at The Skidmore Shop during the month of March. Our annual art sale is right around the corner as well as opening day of baseball. Opening day of baseball? What does that have to do with The Skidmore Shop? Stay tuned and find out.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our Valentines Day Contest Winner!!

Congratulations to Mariel Martin for being our winner in the Valentines Day contest. The correct weight was 4 pounds and 6.3 ounces. Many people entered but no one got the correct weight...but 5 people came close with a guess of 4 pounds and 6 ounces. So in the event of a tie we threw all 5 answers in a bag and had IT superstar Bob Royce randomly pull a name. Congratulations Mariel and thanks to everyone who entered.

Valentines Day at The Skidmore Shop

Happy Valentines Day from the Skidmore Shop! Stop in today at 2PM for free chocolate dipped strawberry...and you still have a little bit of time left to enter our Valentines day contest. Guess the weight of the chocolate heart and you can take it home with you along with a rose and 2 movies tickets. So hurry!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

General books at The Skidmore Shop

We have finally opened the General Books section of The Skidmore Shop website. After all...we are the Skidmore College bookstore. You'll find titles by many of our campus authors as well as books on Saratoga Springs listed here. We will be adding new titles to this growing list over the next few weeks, so keep checking in. Remember, many of our titles are 20% less than cover price and buying books online is super easy. Just click here to browse our titles.

And since I have your attention, I just wanted to mention that we have signed copies of Skidmore Professor Steven Millhausers latest book Dangerous Laughter. Supplies are limited so order now!

Steven Millhauser won the Pulitzer Prize for his book MARTIN DRESSLER and his short story "Eisenheim the Illussionist" was adopted for the 2006 film The Illusionist, directed by Neil Burger and starring Paul Giamatti and Edward Norton. The Illusionist grossed over $120 Million Dollars worldwide.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Organic, Organic, Organic

In conjunction with the Environmental Action Club, we are looking toward environmentally friendly products for the campus. The Shop has just taken a new step. We now have organic T-shirts and baseball caps available. We will hopefully be expanding that line in the near future. There is even talk of a recycled plastic bottle sweatrshirt. Stay tuned for updates on this topic.

Monday, February 4, 2008

So much stuff going on this week at The Skidmore Shop!!!

Please stop by the Skidmore Shop on Tuesday February 5th and Wednesday February 6th from 9:15-5:00 and check out the great selection of purses,bags and wallets offered by our newest vendor. Prices range from $6 and up. You can use cash or your Skidmore ID, credit and debt cards.

Also wanted to remind everyone that Thursday February 7 is THANK YOU THURSDAY. Save 15% on most Skidmore merchandise! Sale excludes textbooks, magazines, iPods, net items, special orders, candy, health and beauty/drug items or already discounted merchandise.

And if that wasn't enough...our old pal Forrest the dog will be hanging out with us on Thursday from 10:00 to 4:30 and when he's here..you can get an extra 15% off already discounted items from our clearance rack. Good dog Forrest, Good dog.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The lastest version of Microsoft Office for Macs

Hi everyone. We've been getting some phone calls regarding the availability of the 2008 version of Microsoft Office for Macs. The 2008 version isn't currently available on our website but I was informed that it would be available sometime within the next few months. To check on it's availability, just visit the Skidmore College computer depot through the Skidmore Shop website or click here. Using your Skidmore College ID to log in, you can access all of the different programs available (for both PC and Macs). Purchasing is easy and you can have the installation CD delivered right to your dorm within a day or two.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Under Armour for women

You spoke ... we listened. We are now carrying Under Armour apparel in womens styles. We have just gotten in T-shirts, sweatshirts, and shorts just for you. Sorry ladies ... no sweatpants available yet but I did get mens in small sizes with you in mind.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

We're here for you.

The Shop will be open on Monday so that you can procure all those necessary items for class. You know, the little things like....textbooks. We'll be open 9:15 am - 5:00 pm.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Spring book rush is here!!

As you can see in the photos below, we are up to our eyeballs in textbook pre-orders. If you pre-ordered, don't forget to bring your order number along with your Skidmore ID.

The Spring semester starts in a few days. We'll see you on campus!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Order now before it's too late!

Time is running out….Thursday, January 17, is the last day to order your textbooks online from The Skidmore Shop. Save time and money and simplify your life!


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Groundhog Day is coming soon!

I know for most of you this day passes as a total non-event but for me it is the first of many rituals heralding the return of Spring. It doesn't matter if Phil sees his shadow or not ... Spring is coming! So, with that in mind, make sure you check us out at the Shop on Friday, 2/1/08.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Spring Semester Textbooks - On Sale Now

Textbooks on sale now! Get the right books the first time. It’s quick, it’s convenient, and we have a huge selection of used books to save you money.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We're back!

The title says it all. The re-energized Skidmore Shop staff are back in the office and prepping for the 2008 Spring semester. You can prepare for the 2008 Spring semester by purchasing your textbooks online. Just click on "Student Resources" and then click on "purchasing textbooks". If you've never purchased your textbooks online before. Don't worry. We have information there that will help you through the process.