Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ART SALE!!!!!!!

Skidmore Shop is having a killer art sale. Buy your art supplies today and tomorrow and save some serious cash for the weekend. We're gonna even throw in some freebies (while they last) just to prove our love. In return all we ask is that you make us a painting with happy little trees.

Monday, March 30, 2009

We are hiring for the Fall Semester

We're looking for some help at The Skidmore Shop in the art department. Someone who can work hard as a team playa or independently, has a solid knowledge of art supplies, cash register experience is a plus but not necessary and last but not least, someone who understands the concept of Quantum Time Travel. Okay if you don't know anything about Quantum Time Travel it won't be a deal killer. But it will greatly improve your chances.

Stop into the Skidmore Shop and see Karen Lutt if you are interested.

Find us at Gannett tonight.

Just a reminder for all of you that The Skidmore Shop will be at the David Sedaris event tonight with books to sell. We likey the cash!!!..but we'll take your Skid ID, credit card or even a check.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cap and Gown 2.0

We've extended the cap and gown deadline to the end of today.

See..we ain't so bad after all.

Click here to order yours today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cap and Gowns deadline

Hi folks. Just one more thing about cap and gown orders. The DEADLINE is Friday March 20th to get your cap and gown order. You all know what deadline means? Right?

You can always do it online by clicking here. Still..same thing. Deadline is Friday March 20th.

Seniors..get your cap and gown. March 18 and March 19.

Seniors!!!...it's that time. You've put in hours and hours of work over the last four years. Three years for you smarty pants. And five years (or more) for the ones who took their time. Nothing wrong with taking your time. You wrote a crap load of papers. You've met with professors and have been tested every other week to the point where you thought it would never end. Well...it's about to end and you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Congratulations. Only a few more steps to go. One of those steps would be getting your cap and gown so you look good at commencement. Stop into The Skidmore Shop on Wednesday March 18 and Thursday March 19 and see the Jostens rep to purchase your cap and gown. While you're there you can look at Skidmore class ring. Just sayin.

See how good Sheldon Solomon looks? The man should wear one all the time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

David Sedaris books

In case you haven't heard, the Speakers Bureau is bringing David Sedaris to Skidmore on March 30. There will indeed be a book signing and The Skidmore Shop will be providing the books. We'll be selling books out front of Gannett starting at 6PM. You can pay with Skidmore ID, cash, checks and credit cards. Pick up a book and get it signed. That way you have proof that you met the guy.

For more info click here.

We're back from spring break!

The Skidmore Shop is open!! That's all I got for now.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring Break

I tried to google image a photo of spring break for this post but everything that came up was too racy for our innocent little blog. So I guess you'll have to settle for a picture of this guy and his spring break trip to Vancouver standing next to a bear dressed as a Canadian Mountie. ..who, oddly enough, sort of looks like my mother. No lie! The bear...not the guy. Hahaha..kidding..I kid. Sorry mom.

Anyways......just wanted to let you know that the Skidmore Shop will be closed on Saturday March 7 and won't re-open until Monday March 16.

Have fun on your break!!


Look at it. Looks nice, doesn't it? You think it would look good in your dorm room or apt. Of course it would. I mean, it's a pretty awesome machine. Dare I say....sexy?

Check out it's specs:
20"LCD/2.4GHz/1GB/250GB/SuperDrive/ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT-128MB/AP/BT/Remote


You want it but can't afford the $1,149.00. Well we're gonna make it a tad easier for you. How about we drop the price by $200 bucks and make it $949 bucks? Oh..that's no typo. You SAVE $200!!!! You give us $949 dollars (plus tax...NYS has this tax thing) and you can go home, plug in your awesome new computer and surf the web, make your own movies, write and then record a song, video chat with your buddies over in Asia and even write a paper..after all..you are in college. But here's the deal. We only have one in stock. So first come, first served.

Also..just throwing it out there. We have a 500GB Time Capsule. Was $279. Now $259. Same deal though...only one in stock.

Hurry up because this won't last long. For realz.