Friday, February 6, 2009

Valentines Day contest begins........NOW!

Want to feel like a winner? Stop into the Skidmore Shop and take a guess at how much our custom made Valentines Day chocolate bar weights and you can take it home and share it with your friend(s)...or just eat by yourself during a LOST marathon. You'll also get a $50 gift card towards dinner for two at a restaurant of your choice.

Starting today you can stop in and fill out an entry form at the front registers. It's free. The person closest or right on the money wins. In the event of a tie we'll have a random drawing with the winning entries.

Winner will be announced at 3:30 on Friday February 13th. You do not have to be present to win.

Here are some hints that might make your guessing a little easier.

In the famous shower scene in the 1960 Alfred Hitchcock thriller "Psycho", chocolate syrup was used to simulate blood.

The most popular ice cream topping in the US is hot fudge.

It was reported that Napoleon carried chocolate with him on his military campaings, and always ate it when he needed a boost of energy.

In France, chocolate was initially met with skepticism and was considered a barbarous, noxious drug. The French court accepted chocolate after the Paris faculty of medicine gave it's approval.

When dipping food into a cheese or chocolate fondue, swirl as well as dip the morsal on the fork. This keeps the fondue from thickening toward the bottom.

According to the National Sausage and Hot Dog Council, kids say they would prefer chocolate sauce on their hot dogs as longs as their mom wasn't watching. they're not really hints. Just facts. But look at all the cool stuff you just learned.

According to Shawn, she said to go with your gut..because that's where the chocolate is gonna end up anyways.

Hope that helped. Good luck!!

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