Monday, February 2, 2009

Do you own an iPhone or iPod Touch?

If you own an iPhone or iPod touch, we have a cool app for you to check out. Skidmore grad Zach Gage '07 created this app called synthPond..this weird spacial sequencer/audio toy...hey, that's what it says on his website. There are two versions. The full version, which is a $1.99 and the lite version, which is free. It's actually a pretty cool app. I managed to keep myself entertained with it during two full laundry loads the other day. Just open up your apps on your iPhone or iPod Touch and search for it. Or check out Zach's website here. You'll find information and video on how it works. Of course if you don't own an iPhone or iPod Touch...well I guess you are outta luck. Sort of. The Skidmore Shop can't sell the iPhone but we have the iPod Touch available. 8GB, 16GB and 32 GB are all in stock if you are interested. Click here for prices. knew there was some sort of sales pitch involved.

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