Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stay sweet, Skidmore.

Most students, staff, and faculty at Skidmore have taken note of The Skidmore Shop's candy selection. Whether your searching for a post-class pick-me-up or just need a breath freshener after a basket of hot wings at the Spa, we do our best to keep you covered. But let's say, for instance, you go looking for Chocolate Necco Wafers. Something inside you is screaming "Give me a chalky chocolate disc! Give me mysterious white powder on my fingers!" You wish you could stay on campus and still find confectionary satisfaction. Well, there's hope.

Did you know that the kinds of candy we stock are completely controlled by you? Trust me, while there are some of us at the Shop who could easily scarf down a box of Good 'n Plenty, there are also those of us who are bewildered by black licorice and don't understand the merits of a salty, almost numbing candy. We have it because you want it. So next time you feel dissatisfied with what we're offering you, speak up. Granted, just because you want Garfield's Choco-Bites doesn't mean we'll get them, but you won't know until you ask! I was going to use the idiom about the squeaky wheel and the grease, but something about greasy wheels kills my appetite.

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